We are affected by the experiences we have as a child, it is innevitable. All experiences, good as well as bad makes an imprint. We shape structures that keeps us safe but that also limits our aliveness. We often experience that we repeat old destructive patterns in our relationships, at work and in the life choices we make. And we wonder why is it so hard to break these patterns, to make new choices? Why is it so hard to stop stressing and start taking care of ourselves? Why do we react as we do?
Door Opener 3 takes you back to your childhood, back to the experiences of your inner child, so that you deeply can understand why you have developed these survival strategies and behavioral patterns. We will support you to look at what has been hidden away in your unconscious, we give space to all the feelings that might have been limited; fear, sorrow, joy, strength, shame, guilt… all feelings are encouraged to be felt and expressed. As we allow this pain to be felt we start to heal. When we start to understand and being aware of the truth of our experiences we have a choice.
By connecting with your inner child and dealing with painful emotional memories in a safe environment, you will increase your understanding of the patterns you took over from others, start healing the wounds from the past and find an acceptance that you are ok just as you are.
Agni is trained in Reichian work, breath, primal de-conditioning, counseling, Gestalt - inner man inner woman and meditation focused therapy. Since some years she is training to become a person oriented child/youth therapist in Germany. She works in Europe leading groups and giving individual sessions.
Praful shares his love of serving the inner potential and the spiritual growth of human beings with passion, joy and commitment.
In his sharings all around the world, he creatively integrates his life experiences as friend, husband, father, traveller and meditator, with multiple approaches for self discovery. He is trained in Life Coaching, Counseling, Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing®), Family and Systemic Constellations with Bert Hellinger, Primal Work, Breath Therapy, NLP, Bioenergetic, BodyWork and Meditation. He is also a registered SIAF in Italy and a certified Trainer Holistic Counsellor.
14.900 SEK including VAT 2.232 SEK
OCT 21 Mon 8:00pm -
OCT 27 Sun 3:00pm 2024
With Praful
MAR 31 Mon 8:00pm -
APR 6 Sun 3:00pm 2025
With Agni
OCT 27 Mon 8:00pm -
NOV 2 Sun 3:00pm 2025
With Praful
During this course the food will be adjusted to deepen the process.