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Training for Life 2023

Training for Life is a program spread over 18 months consisting of twelve week-long courses. The training is offered each year and is given in English.

Training for Life is a transformative process that allows you to take a look at your life from different angles. As the process deepens acceptance, understanding, humility and love for life tend to grow stronger. The time between courses allows the insights gained to sink in and be integrated into every day life.

Our experience is that the group dynamic plays an important part in the process, it is very powerful when people go through such a deep and long training together. Participation requires dedication and commitment to yourself and the group.

In order to participate in training for life we require that you have already participated in Door Opener 1 or similar.


148.000 SEK including VAT 20.779 SEK

20.000 SEK - 1 FEB
20.000 SEK - 1 APRIL
20.000 SEK - 1 JULY
20.000 SEK - 1 OCT
20.000 SEK - 1 DEC
20.000 SEK - 1 MARCH 2024


Booking fee is required to guarantee your place and is non refundable if cancellation is made within one month of the start.


Week 1 Starting up the process

During these days we will build up an atmosphere of trust and acceptance in the group and we will get to know ourselves and each other on a deeper level. We will explore our longing and what brought us to this training. Through movement exercises, sharing, self-inquiry, voice dialogue, and meditation techniques we will create the foundation for this inner journey, and start to explore and understand the mechanics of the mind and the heart. Listening to the voice of our hearts and daring to follow it is the greatest gift we can give ourselves in life.

2023 JAN 18 Wed 8:00pm - JAN 22 Sun 3:00pm

Gayan has more than twenty years experience of personal growth and therapist training that includes the RISK Therapist Training in Denmark, The School for the Work with Byron Katie and Primal Awareness Counsellor Training with Sudha. In her natural and loving presence people feel safe and dare to open up and face their feelings. Gayan has together with her husband Vedam founded Baravara.

Week 2 Bodylove

What does it mean to love your body? In our culture importance is given to outer beauty, youth and ability in sports. We may attempt to love our bodies by perfecting them through healthy diet and exercise, or we may neglect them. But as long as we are not home deep inside, whatever techniques we try will not take root. Our bodies are carrying too many rejected, frozen feelings that restrict our breathing and shrink our vital life force. We have lost the ability to listen to internal messages. Bodylove is a week to rediscover your body's more instinctive rhythms. Through breathing, movement, free dancing and meditation, deep unconscious tensions will be released. In this way you can discover your more authentic needs and have the choice to nourish them.

2023 FEB 7 Tue 8:00pm - FEB 13 Mon 3:00pm

Moumina Moumina studied dance and body therapy in London. She is trained in Bio-energetics, Pulsation, Primal, Family constellation, Star-sapphire Energywork and is a certified TRE ( trauma release exercise ) provider. Since 1982 she has been working as a therapist internationally.

Week 3 Primal Healing

Primal Healing is an intense group process to heal the wounds of our childhood. Disappointment and emotional hurt from the early stages have caused us to develop survival strategies and behaviour patterns which contract our life energy. This makes it difficult to have a healthy relationship to ourselves and a nourishing, loving contact with others. Whatever age we are, our child is still within us and needs to be accepted and loved in order for us to be creative and alive. In primal healing we process our way through the different stages of our childhood. Through regression, deep breathing, energy work and emotional release we will move to the roots of the pain. Fear, anger, sadness, guilt, shame, unworthiness - all these feelings will be allowed to be expressed, released and understood. Deep relaxation and a new thirst in one’s own inner world will open for a beautiful healing process.

2023 MAR 13 Mon 8:00pm - MAR 20 Mon 3:00pm

Moumina Moumina studied dance and body therapy in London. She is trained in Bio-energetics, Pulsation, Primal, Family constellation, Star-sapphire Energywork and is a certified TRE ( trauma release exercise ) provider. Since 1982 she has been working as a therapist internationally.

Week 4 Family Constellation

Family Constellation Work reveals hidden family patterns that may be holding us back in life. We are bound to our family systems by a deep need to belong; a child will do anything for the love of a parent. The bond to our parents and to our family system begins even before birth, we are born into a family that goes back generations. Often these unconscious patterns holds us back and prevents us from choosing what fulfills us in life and from moving forward and living a life we love. In this group we will look deeper into the three principles of love - belonging, balance and order and to the hidden patterns of the family. Each principle will be explained and experienced and the participants of the group will have the opportunity to look deeper into their own family structure. To move consciously through life has tremendous value and doing this allows us to access an amazing strength and a deep relaxation.

2023 APR 17 Mon 8:00pm - APR 23 Sun 3:00pm

Praful shares his love of serving the inner potential and the spiritual growth of human beings with passion, joy and commitment.

In his sharings all around the world, he creatively integrates his life experiences as friend, husband, father, traveller and meditator, with multiple approaches for self discovery. He is trained in Life Coaching, Counseling, Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing®), Family and Systemic Constellations with Bert Hellinger, Primal Work, Breath Therapy, NLP, Bioenergetic, BodyWork and Meditation. He is also a registered SIAF in Italy and a certified Trainer Holistic Counsellor. 

Week 5 Creating the Foundation of Love

Learning to love is a process of learning to grow in trust. Mistrust has its roots in old attitudes toward ourselves, others and the world. We carry memories and are conditioned by what went wrong in the past. As a result, we have deep patterns of fear, self doubt, inferiority/superiority feelings and mistrust. This causes us to sabotage our loving relationships with old habits of blaming, reacting, demanding, isolating, closing down or being dishonest. Out of our fears and mistrust we feel misunderstood, rejected and lose ourselves. This week we will look into how this works. We will be learning a new way of seeing ourselves and of relating. This way of conscious relating guides us out of our hiding places and encourages us to open and to rebuild trust both in ourselves and in others.

2023 MAY 22 Mon 8:00pm - MAY 28 Sun 3:00pm

Talib & Shubhaa For more than two decades Talib & Shubhaa have been dedicating their lives to know and explore themselves, traveling the planet, gathering and developing methods and resources to support and inspire individuals, couples and members of our communities to shift their consciousness and understanding towards relationships.

Talib from the USA, is trained in Co-dependency and  trauma therapies. He studied Psychology and meditative therapies at Arizona State University, Osho Academy in Sedona, USA, and Pune, India.

Shubhaa from Brazil, holds a degree in Psychology, specializing in Gestalt and relationship therapy. She is a certified teacher in Co-dependency Therapy, Inner Child Work, and trained in Trauma Healing.

Read more at:

Week 6 Voicing - Part 1

We often feel that something is missing in our way to communicate, a feeling of dissatisfaction, as if our voice doesn't sound genuine and doesn't express what we really want to say. VOICING© gives us the opportunity to regain our natural, unaffected voice and to experiment with how we can use it. It's not a question of a particular technique, but more about exploring the uniqueness in each individual's voice. VOICING© helps us to overcome and handle fear and self-criticism. It opens a door to our inner power, to our creativity and to the silences of meditation.

2023 JUN 28 Wed 8:00pm - JUL 2 Sun 3:00pm

Week 6 - Part 2 Letting go into creativity

Let go of all expectations
Let go of any idea
Let go of painting
Let go into creativity
Let go into body
Let go into dance
Let go into painting
Let go into ANYTHING

2023 JUL 2 Sun 8:00pm - JUL 6 Thu 3:00pm

Agni is trained in Reichian work, breath, primal de-conditioning, counseling, Gestalt - inner man inner woman and meditation focused therapy. Since some years she is training to become a person oriented child/youth therapist in Germany. She works in Europe leading groups and giving individual sessions.

Isa holds a degree in psychology from the University of Stockholm, an education in psychotherapy from SAPU and has dedicated the last twenty years to train as a therapist. She has assisted personal growth groups extensively and is trained in Trauma therapy. She is co-creator of Urban OM and recieves clients in Stockholm. She has also been part of creating and running Baravara. Isa is passionate about supporting people to step out of the personality and finding the courage to be real. Isa has written the book "The seed of Being". 

For more information

Week 7 Breathing in Love

Love is our inner breath and healing. Our ability for love and well-being is ultimately connected to a deep and relaxed breathing. Breathing is the bridge between body, mind, heart and being. Breath therapy helps to release our physical and emotional tensions. We become aware of the working of our mind, open our feeling heart and learn to trust the spirit of life again. With the aliveness of our breath we awaken our natural, intrinsic, gift for love, joy, health and celebration. We learn to "breathe" beyond old limiting concepts of love. The diamond of breath allows us to grow into the three dimensions of love - self-love, passion and compassion.

2023 AUG 21 Mon 8:00pm - AUG 27 Sun 3:00pm

Dwari has studied psychology at the University of Berlin. She is trained in breath therapy, primal therapy, tantric therapy, family constellation and Somatic Experiencing - Trauma Healing. Since 1977 she has worked as a therapist with groups and trainings all around the world.

Read more at and

Week 8 Love, Sex and Prayer

The longing for sex has been distorted and repressed by societies and religions for centuries. This section deals with our early sexual experiences and the climate around them. It helps us to become more aware of our inhibitions, to see and accept our bodies, our sensuality and psychology. This process is specifically supported by Turiya’s understanding of trauma work. In an atmosphere of respect and gentleness, everybody has the possibility to look at and to work with their fears and traumas, and at their own pace, enter into their individual healing process. This work is oriented around learning to open up the heart and to finding trust again. There, we can meet another and freely be able to share our needs and receive and give from a healthy place.

2023 OCT 17 Tue 8:00pm - OCT 22 Sun 3:00pm

Turiya is trained in Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Bodyoriented Psycho-therapy, Bioenergetic's, Diamond Logos Essencework, Gestalt and Family Therapy. Since 1973, she has been working in Spiritual Therapy. She has designed and co-created many successful processes such as "Art of Dying" and is leading groups and teaches trainings all around the world. She is one of the Founders and leaders of "Path of Love" Process.


Week 9 The Essence of the Masculine and the Feminine

The delightful play of energy between opposite poles is the essence, substance and juice of our relationships and sexuality. When we are in alignment with our masculine or feminine essence we are relaxed, confident and resourced. This group will provide sensitive, compassionate but challenging opportunities for healing our traumas and wounds as men and women and help to realign our sexual identities.

2023 NOV 20 Mon 8:00pm - NOV 26 Sun 3:00pm

Rafia is trained in many therapeutic approaches including the Diamond Logos Essence work, Somatic Experiencing - Trauma Healing, Neo-Reichian Breath work, Postural Integration and Bioenergetic Character Analysis and Bodywork. He is a creator of therapeutic processes such as the Inner Man Inner Woman work, the Osho Tantra Intensive, the Path of Love, the Essence of Masculine and Feminine.

His work is characterized by his experience as a spiritually oriented therapist and meditator, his enthusiasm, compassionate love of people, longing to be an authentic human being and his humor about it all.


Week 10 To Be or Not To Be

To be strongly connected with your inner presence - the so-called 'witness' - holds the key to your quality of life. It creates a joy that is not dependent on the outer circumstances - your work, your leisure, your partners, your family. It is a source of deep nourishment and trust, that no situation or person can take away from you or give to you. We spend a lot of time and energy wishing for things to change, in both our inner and outer worlds. If our efforts work out we may be happy for a little while... until the next obstacle comes along. In these five days you can learn an entirely new and different way of mastering this ancient puzzle... simply being present and witnessing. You will learn how to include presence in the life you are already living - this in itself offers the biggest chance for change.

2024 JAN 22 Mon 8:00pm - JAN 28 Sun 3:00pm

Agni is trained in Reichian work, breath, primal de-conditioning, counseling, Gestalt - inner man inner woman and meditation focused therapy. Since some years she is training to become a person oriented child/youth therapist in Germany. She works in Europe leading groups and giving individual sessions.

Week 11 Practicing Trust


During these days the focus will be on how you can apply and integrate what you have learned so far during Training for Life. We will look at what may still stand between you living your full potential and how you practically can create space for yourself in your everyday life. How you can take responsibility for living the life you want with greater awareness and inner freedom. We will also look at the judgements and self-critical thoughts that often sabotage our intentions.

2024 MAR 19 Tue 8:00pm - MAR 24 Sun 3:00pm

Isa holds a degree in psychology from the University of Stockholm, an education in psychotherapy from SAPU and has dedicated the last twenty years to train as a therapist. She has assisted personal growth groups extensively and is trained in Trauma therapy. She is co-creator of Urban OM and recieves clients in Stockholm. She has also been part of creating and running Baravara. Isa is passionate about supporting people to step out of the personality and finding the courage to be real. Isa has written the book "The seed of Being". 

For more information

Praful shares his love of serving the inner potential and the spiritual growth of human beings with passion, joy and commitment.

In his sharings all around the world, he creatively integrates his life experiences as friend, husband, father, traveller and meditator, with multiple approaches for self discovery. He is trained in Life Coaching, Counseling, Trauma Healing (Somatic Experiencing®), Family and Systemic Constellations with Bert Hellinger, Primal Work, Breath Therapy, NLP, Bioenergetic, BodyWork and Meditation. He is also a registered SIAF in Italy and a certified Trainer Holistic Counsellor. 

Week 12 Coming Home

This last week offers an opportunity to dive into the inner sky and celebrate our being. Satsang - meetings in the truth of who we are - is a sacred meeting of self inquiry, to share your heart, to reflect your essence, to cut through the unreal and unveil your inner treasures. Active and quiet meditations will support the deep inner silence, joy and peace, we then can bring with us to all moments and events of life.

2024 JUL 16 Tue 8:00pm - JUL 22 Mon 3:00pm

Shunyo & Marco Shunyo’s training in meditation and awareness began whilst living for fourteen years in close contact with Osho, as part of his personal staff. She is now director of the OSHO Institute for Vipassana and Zazen.  She has been practicing meditation techniques for over thirty-five years and has travelled extensively conducting seminars, trainings and meditation retreats.

Music and movement are an important part of Shunyo’s work and this, coupled with her intuitive heartfelt way of working, allows participants to touch very deep levels of peace and silence.

Marco, musician and spiritual seeker, in 1979 became a disciple of Osho, and has since experimented with sounds and music applied to meditation. Since 1995 he plays live in events and meditation groups worldwide. He has composed many CDs for meditation available on These meditations are ancient tantric liberation techniques.

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