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Counselling from the Heart

The Art of Being with People

This counselling course is a profound educational training for professionals and laymen to learn how to reveal the deepest essence in the person you work with, and help unveil their hidden potential. It creates a climate for love, psychological healing and spiritual awakening in both the counsellor and the client.

This training is using the insights of modern psychology to move beyond the psychological framework, beyond the mind, uncovering the being.

It includes teachings, self exploration, meditation and practicing of sessions under supervision. It supports meditation, love, consciousness and the highest potential of every human being.

As a counsellor you can only share, what you have understood and realized yourself. This training not only teaches you how to be with clients, but is also a deep transformative process for yourself.

This training is open to Counsellors, Doctors, Psychologists, Nurses, Business Consultants, Teachers, Body Workers, Massage Therapists, Aura-Soma Therapists, Meditation Teachers, Healers and everyone deeply interested in their own unfolding.


13.160 + VAT = 15.400


There are currently no upcoming dates for this course

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